November Draft Housing Element
Public Review of the Draft
Housing Element for the City of Vallejo
Publish Date: November 13, 2024
The latest version of the City of Vallejo Draft Housing Element is being released for public review starting November 13, 2024, to provide an opportunity for the public to review and provide comments before it is sent to the California State Department of Housing and Community Development Department (“HCD”) for a formal review. The tentative date for HCD submission is scheduled for November 21, 2024, in compliance with State Law requiring a seven-day public review in advance of formal HCD submittal (Government Code Section 65585).
If you would like City staff to consider your comments before formal submission to HCD, please provide written comments on the Draft Housing Element by the end of day on Tuesday, November 19, 2024. This version, along with all previous versions, of the Draft Housing Element will remain available for public review and comment at the links provided below, through the entirety of the HCD review period (estimated to run for 60-days following submittal to HCD).
All written comments on the new draft should be sent via email to, or in person or by first class mail to:
City of Vallejo, Planning Division
c/o Hector Rojas, AICP, Long-Range Planning Manager
555 Santa Clara Street, Vallejo, CA 94590
The Draft Housing Element Update is available for public review at the locations listed below. For ease of reference, all revisions to the document are shown in tracked changes, with new additions from the September 2024 version, highlighted in green.
- City of Vallejo Website:
- Solano County Collaborative Website:
- And a physical copy of the document is located on the second floor (planning counter) at City Hall, 555 Santa Clara Street, Vallejo, CA 94590, and may be reviewed during regular hours of Monday through Thursday, 9 am – 12 pm, and 1 pm – 3pm.
Relevant Project Background: A Housing Element is a state required element of a City’s General Plan. The Housing Element must be updated every eight years and includes goals, objectives, policies, and implementation programs that address the maintenance, preservation, improvement, and development of housing within city limits. In addition, the Housing Element identifies sites appropriate for the development of multifamily housing. The latest draft Housing Element also includes other amendments necessary to comply with recent changes in State law.

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