Subsequent Draft Housing Element
June 8, 2024
Please see link below for the public review “Subsequent Draft” of the City of Vallejo Housing Element. It is being released from July 8 through July 19, 2024, in order for the public to review and provide comments, before it is sent to the California State Department of Housing and Community Development Department for its review. For ease of reference, all revisions to the document are shown in tracked changes.
Written comments on the public review “Subsequent Draft” Housing Element Update must be submitted before 5:00 pm on July 19, 2024, either via email to or in person or by first class mail to:
City of Vallejo, Planning Division
c/o David A. Storer, AICP, Contract Project Manager
555 Santa Clara Street, Vallejo, CA 94590
The public review “subsequent” draft of the Housing Element may be found in the following locations:
- Subsequent Draft Housing Element (with tracked changes), dated July 2024
- Solano County Collaborative Website:
- And a physical copy of the document is located on the second floor (planning counter) at City Hall, 555 Santa Clara Street, Vallejo, CA 94590, and may be reviewed during regular hours of Monday through Thursday, 9 am -12 noon, and 1 pm – 3pm.
Background: A Housing Element is a state required element of a City’s General Plan. The Housing Element must be updated every eight years and includes goals, objectives, policies, and implementation programs that address the maintenance, preservation, improvement, and development of housing in city limits. In addition, the Housing Element identifies sites appropriate for the development of multifamily housing. The Housing Element also includes other amendments necessary to comply with recent changes in State law. Prior to the submittal of the Subsequent Draft to the State Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD) for their review and comment, a Subsequent Draft Housing Element has been prepared and now available for a 10-day public review and comment period.
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