Bias-Free Policing

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VPD Shares Changes to Bias-Free Policing Policy with the Community

The Vallejo Police Department (VPD) is inviting Vallejo residents and stakeholders to review and provide input to its Bias-Free Policing Policy (formerly Bias-Based Policing) through January 20, 2023.

As part of our policy revision process and to increase transparency between VPD and the community and stakeholders, as part of our three-year collaborative agreement with the California Department of Justice (CalDOJ), VPD will track community input on the newly revised policy.

The main enhancements to the Bias-Free Policing Policy are as follows:

  • Expanded definition section, clearly defining racial/identity profiling, implicit bias,

VPD Shares Changes to Bias-Free Policing Policy with the Community

The Vallejo Police Department (VPD) is inviting Vallejo residents and stakeholders to review and provide input to its Bias-Free Policing Policy (formerly Bias-Based Policing) through January 20, 2023.

As part of our policy revision process and to increase transparency between VPD and the community and stakeholders, as part of our three-year collaborative agreement with the California Department of Justice (CalDOJ), VPD will track community input on the newly revised policy.

The main enhancements to the Bias-Free Policing Policy are as follows:

  • Expanded definition section, clearly defining racial/identity profiling, implicit bias, bias by proxy, probable cause to arrest, reasonable suspicion to detain, and reasonable suspicion to conduct pat search/frisk
  • Reiteration that Bias-Based policing is strictly prohibited, including the corresponding California Penal Code Section
  • Introduces additional requirements for officers witnessing bias-based policing to report to their supervisor and process for the supervisor to investigate and report findings to the Professional Standards Division (PSD)
  • Expands supervisor responsibilities when suspected bias-based policing activity is reported
  • Administration will continue to review complaints of bias-based policing and submit a report of the annual Racial and Identity Profiling Act data to the CalDOJ
  • Outlines additional training required to reduce instances of bias-based policing
  • Clearly states the required data being collected and reported to CalDOJ
  • Includes an “Actions Required When Conducting Stop”

We have provided both the former policy and the newly revised policy for your convenience.

Please Click on the IDEAS button below to provide input.

For media inquiries, please contact Public Information Officer, Sergeant Rashad Hollis by email at

Page published: 06 Jan 2023, 12:22 PM