Vallejo PD Seeks Community Feedback on Proposed Changes to Use of Force Policy

The Vallejo Police Department (VPD) is inviting Vallejo residents and stakeholders to provide public comment and feedback on proposed changes to the Use of Force Policy for an extended period from March 9, 2022 through March 30, 2022.
Over the last two years, the VPD has taken several reformative steps to improve our policies, procedures and training as it pertains to de-escalation, procedural justice, and the use of force.
In August 2019, an operational assessment of the Vallejo Police Department was conducted by the OIR Group. In June 2020, the assessment was completed and the OIR Group proposed 45 recommendations to improve the performance of the police department.
The City of Vallejo then entered into a three-year collaborative reform agreement with the California Department of Justice in June 2020. The goal of the agreement is to increase public trust and support effective, contemporary, and innovative policing practices through improvements in training, policy, transparency, professionalism and accountability.
In 2020, the VPD also partnered with the Solano County District Attorney’s Office to implement a new county-wide fatal incident protocol for officer-involved shootings. The department also introduced a use of force analysis dashboard and other data-driven technology to understand how we use force and to better inform our training decisions. In 2021, use of force incidents decreased by almost 40% and marked the first time in over 20 years that there were no officer-involved shootings.
“Our efforts to improve our policies and analyze how we use force are clear, but our work is continuous,” Vallejo Police Chief Shawny K. Williams stated. “As we continue laying the foundation for transformational change within our department and community, our hope is to continue working with our staff, officers, community partners and advocates to build upon the vision of professionalism through exceptional service.”
As part of our VPD Implementation Plan, OIR Group recommendations and collaboration with the California Department of Justice, your feedback is integral to continuing our reform efforts.
The VPD is planning its second Community Town Hall of the year on March 30, 2022, from 6:00 - 8:00 p.m. at the Filipino Community Center (611 Amador St.) to engage the community in a discussion on the new Use of Force draft policy. To register for the in-person event, click here:
The forum (below) will remain open for public comment for an extended period from March 9, 2022 through March 30, 2022.
To watch a video overview of the Proposed Use of Force Policy changes, click here.
You can review the draft policy in the "Policies for Review" section on this page or click the links to the right.