American Rescue Plan Act
On March 11, 2021, the American Rescue Plan was signed. This legislation provides 1.9 trillion to address the COVID-19 pandemic and the corresponding economic crisis.
This emergency legislative package funds vaccinations, provides immediate direct relief to individuals, and supports struggling communities.
There are over 200 sections of relief outlined in the legislation, some notable funds and provisions include:
- Local Fiscal Recovery funds for each city, town, and state
- Stimulus checks for individuals
- Expanded unemployment benefits
- Emergency rental and homeowner assistance
- School emergency relief fund
- Shuttered venue relief and
- Programs for restaurants and small business owners
The City received $25,727,736 in Local Fiscal Recovery funds! We look forward to working with our community members and partner agencies to put these recovery funds to work!
Make sure to subscribe to this project to stay updated on the City's ARPA efforts.
On March 11, 2021, the American Rescue Plan was signed. This legislation provides 1.9 trillion to address the COVID-19 pandemic and the corresponding economic crisis.
This emergency legislative package funds vaccinations, provides immediate direct relief to individuals, and supports struggling communities.
There are over 200 sections of relief outlined in the legislation, some notable funds and provisions include:
- Local Fiscal Recovery funds for each city, town, and state
- Stimulus checks for individuals
- Expanded unemployment benefits
- Emergency rental and homeowner assistance
- School emergency relief fund
- Shuttered venue relief and
- Programs for restaurants and small business owners
The City received $25,727,736 in Local Fiscal Recovery funds! We look forward to working with our community members and partner agencies to put these recovery funds to work!
Make sure to subscribe to this project to stay updated on the City's ARPA efforts.
Did you miss the virtual ARPA Meeting?
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You can watch the meeting recording here
The second round of ARPA funds has arrived, and we want to hear from you about where to spend it!
Share The second round of ARPA funds has arrived, and we want to hear from you about where to spend it! on Facebook Share The second round of ARPA funds has arrived, and we want to hear from you about where to spend it! on Twitter Share The second round of ARPA funds has arrived, and we want to hear from you about where to spend it! on Linkedin Email The second round of ARPA funds has arrived, and we want to hear from you about where to spend it! linkThe City of Vallejo has received its second round of ARPA funds, and we want to hear from YOU, the community, about what to spend these funds on.
Join us for one of our three upcoming public meetings, or click here to jump right to the budget tool and submit your ideas today!
Wednesday, Sept. 21, 2022
4:00 pm - 5:00 pm
This meeting had concluded. A video will be available shortly. Thank you!
Thursday, Sept. 29, 2022
4:30 pm - 5:30 pm – Vallejo room 505 Santa Clara street
Tuesday, Oct. 4, 2022
4:30 pm - 5:30 pm – Vallejo room 505 Santa Clara street
To learn more, visit myvallejo.Com/ARPA
Council allocates first half of ARPA funds
Share Council allocates first half of ARPA funds on Facebook Share Council allocates first half of ARPA funds on Twitter Share Council allocates first half of ARPA funds on Linkedin Email Council allocates first half of ARPA funds linkCLOSED: This discussion has concluded.On September 28, 2021, Council approved a resolution to amend Fiscal Year 2021-2022 adopted budget in the amount of $25,727,736. This amendment recognizes revenue and appropriate expenditures from the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) Coronavirus State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds and approves the following projects utilizing ARPA funding:
Downtown Streets Program
This project will fund one year of a Downtown Streets Program. The program provides homeless individuals (referred to as "team members") with case management, employment coaching, job placement, and basic needs assistance in exchange for volunteerism.
Navigation Center
This funding will contribute towards the construction of the 125 bed Vallejo Navigation Center which is intended to help individuals experiencing homelessness get immediate respite from the streets while working to reduce homelessness in the City.
Sideshow Deterrence
These funds will be used to deter sideshows through evidence-based environmental design methods such as modified asphalt, raised pavement markers ("bot dots"), temp traffic devices for specific intersections, and stripping enhancements.
Advance Peace Program
This project would fund one year of the Advance Peace program. Advance Peace works to end cyclical and retaliatory gun violence in urban neighborhoods by providing developmental and healing-centered resources to those at the center of lethal firearm offenses (violent actors and most likely victims, often one and the same). The program does this through evidence-based practices including street outreach, mentoring, intensive case management, life skills training, cognitive behavioral therapy, and subsidized employment.
Community Violence Intervention Program
These funds will be used to support community violence intervention programs including the City's neighborhood watch program through the addition of three limited term Police Assistants and vehicles for the staff.
Broadband Build-outs
The funds are to be used for building out broadband infrastructure in the city. The goal is to extend fiber to the schools, anchor businesses, lateral build-outs for the businesses, fiber to new developments coming to the city. Provide WIFI access in public gathering places like Vallejo waterfront, major city parks, and Vallejo Downtown. Provide free WIFI/broadband access to our disadvantaged communities (North and South Vallejo).
Station Tone Alerting System
This project will replace the tone alert system in all 7 Vallejo fires stations (station alert software, cabling, lights, and speakers). The tone alert system alerts the fire fighters when a new emergency call is in progress. The system is over 20+ years old and seriously well beyond its useful end of life.
Economic Development Efforts
These funds will go towards a variety of ED efforts including an Economic Development Strategic Plan, Downtown Facade Improvement, Business Attraction and Retention Survey and Recruitment Strategy, Small Business Grants program and other projects to provide economic support to the business community including an art grants program.
Planning Support
This project will include various assessments and long-term plans to benefit the City and its residents. Some of these efforts include a food desert survey, climate planning supplement, and the State mandated update of three Elements of the General Plan, including Environmental Justice, Safety, and Housing.
Grant Software and Staff
These funds will cover the implementation of a grants management system and fund two limited-term Grants Administrative Analysts
COVID-19 Delta Variant Coordination
These funds will be used to hire a limited term employee to coordinate COVID-19 communications, compliance, monitoring and tracking for City employees.
To view the meeting, review the agenda/minutes, please visit:
The second half of the ARPA funds is projected to arrive in June 2022. City Staff will continue to solicit suggestions from the community leading up to Council Allocation of the section half of funds. City Staff anticipates outreach through community workshops/meetings, online submittal of ideas, and publications in the local paper to reach as many community members as possible.
If you have ideas on how to spend the remaining ARPA funds, or would like to review what other community members have submitted, please click here.
Council acceptance of ARPA funds and Staff recommended project allocations
Share Council acceptance of ARPA funds and Staff recommended project allocations on Facebook Share Council acceptance of ARPA funds and Staff recommended project allocations on Twitter Share Council acceptance of ARPA funds and Staff recommended project allocations on Linkedin Email Council acceptance of ARPA funds and Staff recommended project allocations linkCLOSED: This discussion has concluded.On September 14, 2021, City Council was asked to amend the budget to accept the $25,727,736 in aid from the American Rescue Plan Act’s Coronavirus State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds. Council was also presented with City Staff recommendations on how to allocate the ARPA funds. Here are the allowable ways in which ARPA funds can be spent:
Staff requested input from all City Departments, the Community, Chamber of Commerce, and into considerations items such as the National League of Cities Principles, Recent & In Progress Legislation, and City Council Goal Setting. Based on the input and guidance, Staff recommended the following projects to receive ARPA funding:
Proposed Projects
Downtown Street Program
Navigation Center Construction
Sideshow Deterrence
Advance Peace Program
Community Violence Intervention Programs
Broadband Buildouts
Fire Station Tone Alerting System
Economic Development Efforts
Planning Support
Grant Software and Staff
COVID-19 Delta Variant Coordinator
Glen Cove Fire Station Reopening (previously approved by Council on August 24, 2021)
To review the Council meeting and discussion, please visit:
The September 14th meeting was the first part of a two-step process. Council will be meeting again September 28, 2021, at 7pm for Step 2 to approve project allocations and amend the budget.
Members of the Public may provide comments and view the meeting by:
- Watching Vallejo local channel 28
- Streaming from the City website:
- Joining the Zoom webinar:
- Calling (669) 900-6833
For additional instructions on how to speak during public comment, please visit,
The second portion of ARPA funds should be received by May or June 2022. In the coming months, City Staff and Council will continue to request feedback from community members on how money should be allocated. To provide ideas and input, please visit:
The Chamber Weighs In
Share The Chamber Weighs In on Facebook Share The Chamber Weighs In on Twitter Share The Chamber Weighs In on Linkedin Email The Chamber Weighs In linkCLOSED: This discussion has concluded.The Vallejo Chamber of Commerce (VCC) provided feedback regarding ARPA allocations. Check out the link below to see what they had to say.
Thank you, VCC, for your input on this important item!
We asked, and you spoke!
Share We asked, and you spoke! on Facebook Share We asked, and you spoke! on Twitter Share We asked, and you spoke! on Linkedin Email We asked, and you spoke! linkCLOSED: This discussion has concluded.From April 2021 through September 2021, staff has been collecting ideas from the community on the best way to spend our ARPA funds. The ARPA page received 1,130 visitors and 89 people have contributed to the ideas page with 56 total submissions. In addition to original ideas, most ideas received multiple “upvotes”.
City staff worked to categorize each of the ideas to illustrate how the community desires Council to allocate ARPA funds. Below, is a summary of total votes by the community for each category:
Based on community input, staff is recommending Council to approve funding for the following project groups for the first half of ARPA funds:
Staff will continue to seek votes from the community to continue to determine the best way to allocate the remaining ARPA funds! To provide more input and suggest ideas, click here.
Treasury Guidance & Next Steps
Share Treasury Guidance & Next Steps on Facebook Share Treasury Guidance & Next Steps on Twitter Share Treasury Guidance & Next Steps on Linkedin Email Treasury Guidance & Next Steps linkCLOSED: This discussion has concluded.The Treasury Department released interim guidelines and final allocations on May 10th.
Vallejo's allocation is $25,727,736! This is in addition to the $2.2 million we received through the HOME program.
What happens now?
Now we apply for funds, read through the guidance, and strategize how to maximize these funds.
It's important to note that we will get the first payment 60 days after submitting the application and the second half a year from the date of our first payment.
What can the money be used on?
Here is a high-level summary from Treasury's website. We can use the funds to:
- Support public health expenditures, by, for example, funding COVID-19 mitigation efforts, medical expenses, behavioral healthcare, and certain public health and safety staff
- Address negative economic impacts caused by the public health emergency, including economic harms to workers, households, small businesses, impacted industries, and the public sector
- Replace lost public sector revenue, using this funding to provide government services to the extent of the reduction in revenue experienced due to the pandemic
- Provide premium pay for essential workers, offering additional support to those who have and will bear the greatest health risks because of their service in critical infrastructure sectors
- Invest in water, sewer, and broadband infrastructure, making necessary investments to improve access to clean drinking water, support vital wastewater and stormwater infrastructure, and to expand access to broadband internet
HOME-ARP Funding - $2.2 Million for Vallejo!
Share HOME-ARP Funding - $2.2 Million for Vallejo! on Facebook Share HOME-ARP Funding - $2.2 Million for Vallejo! on Twitter Share HOME-ARP Funding - $2.2 Million for Vallejo! on Linkedin Email HOME-ARP Funding - $2.2 Million for Vallejo! linkCLOSED: This discussion has concluded.On April 23, 2021, the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) released information regarding supplemental funding, known as HOME-ARP. The City of Vallejo was awarded $2,213,960. These funds will help us support people experiencing or at risk of experiencing homelessness, including through development of affordable and supportive housing, tenant-based rental assistance, supportive services, and acquisition and development of non-congregate shelter units.
To learn more, please visit HUD's press release -
Rescue Plan Newsfeed and Updates
Share Rescue Plan Newsfeed and Updates on Facebook Share Rescue Plan Newsfeed and Updates on Twitter Share Rescue Plan Newsfeed and Updates on Linkedin Email Rescue Plan Newsfeed and Updates linkCLOSED: This discussion has concluded.Local guidance regarding the American Rescue Plan legislation is forthcoming and ongoing. We will post updates here as we have information or news to share.
Budget Module
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Information about the Funds
SLFRP-Quick-Reference-Guide-FINAL-508a.pdf (2.31 MB) (pdf)
SLFRP-Fact-Sheet-FINAL1-508A.pdf (240 KB) (pdf)
SLFRF-Compliance-and-Reporting-Guidance.pdf (976 KB) (pdf)
Interim Final Rule
Vallejo Chamber of Commerce Feedback (233 KB) (pdf)
ARPA Staff Report.pdf (4.67 MB) (pdf)
Amended HOME-ARP Allocation Plan 9-13-2023.pdf (398 KB) (pdf)
Employee incentive statement (61.9 KB) (pdf)
Awaiting Guidance from the Treasury Department
American Rescue Plan Act has finished this stageUnknowns
- The City of Vallejo's final local fiscal recovery funds (currently estimated at 26 million)
- The guidelines for accessing the other funds in the ARPA
Research & Strategizing Part I
American Rescue Plan Act has finished this stageGuidance from the Treasury has been released. We will continue to work on a needs assessment and gathering public input as we learn more about allowable uses, reporting requirements, etc. If you have ideas, please post them in the "ideas" tab!
Spending Funds & Monitoring Outcomes
American Rescue Plan Act is currently at this stageOn September 28, 2021, Council will allocate the first half of ARPA funding to various projects. Once the funds are allocated, staff will continue to process invoices, complete reporting requirements, and monitoring funds.
Research & Strategizing Part II
this is an upcoming stage for American Rescue Plan ActWe will continue to work on a needs assessment and gathering public input to prepare for allocation of the second half of ARPA funds. The second half is expected to arrive June 2022. If you have ideas, please post them in the "ideas" tab!